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๐Ÿ— Introducing Scaffold-ETH Svelte

Scaffold-ETH Svelte is a port of the amazing Scaffold-ETH 2 into SvelteJS 5, giving you everything you need to get started building decentralized applications on Ethereum! ๐Ÿš€

โš™๏ธ Built using NextJS, RainbowKit, Hardhat, Foundry, Wagmi, and TypeScript.

About Scaffold-ETH-Svelteโ€‹

Scaffold-ETH-Svelte is an open-source, up-to-date toolkit for building decentralized applications (dapps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It's designed to make it easier for developers to create and deploy smart contracts and build user interfaces that interact with those contracts.

  • โœ… Contract Hot Reload: Your frontend auto-adapts to your smart contract as you edit it.
  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ Burner Wallet & Local Faucet: Quickly test your application with a burner wallet and local faucet.
  • ๐Ÿ” Integration with Wallet Providers: Connect to different wallet providers and interact with the Ethereum network.

Scaffold-ETH-Svelte Tech Stackโ€‹

Scaffold-ETH-Svelte is not a product itself but more of a combination or stack of other great tools. It allows you to quickly build and iterate over your smart contracts and frontends.

Here are the main components:

  • Hardhat or Foundry (user's choice) for running local networks, deploying and testing smart contracts.
  • Wagmi for functions to start working with Ethereum, and a custom-built Wagmi-Svelte library for Svelte 5 reactivity.
  • Viem as low-level interface that provides primitives to interact with Ethereum. The alternative to ethers.js and web3.js.
  • Svelte and SvelteKit for a fully-featured web framework.
  • Web3Modal for connecting to your wallet.
  • DaisyUI for pre-built Tailwind CSS components.